Portrait einer Lady von Gustav Klimt 1kg Kupfermünze Hochrelief, Tschad 2022
Portrait of a Woman (also Portrait of a Lady) is an oil painting by the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918), created between 1916 and 1917. It belongs to a series of portraits of women from the last years of the artist's life. It represents the overpainting of another woman portrait, Lady with a hat, also called Backfisch and exhibited in Dresden in 1912, which was considered lost.
The painting was acquired by the Italian collector Giuseppe Ricci Oddi in 1925 and was shown in the Galleria d'arte moderna Ricci Oddi in Piacenza from 1931. It was reported stolen from February 1997 to December 2019. It was one of the most wanted works of art in the world. It was found in a hidden storage room in the museum that owned it.
Bildnis einer Frau (auch Porträt einer Dame) ist ein Ölgemälde des österreichischen Malers Gustav Klimt (1862–1918), entstanden zwischen 1916 und 1917. Es gehört zu einer Serie von Damenporträts aus den letzten Lebensjahren des Künstlers. Es stellt die Übermalung eines anderen Frauenporträt dar, Dame mit Hut, auch Backfisch genannt und 1912 in Dresden ausgestellt, welches als verschollen galt.